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dcore:tc-functions [2015/05/04 11:06] sm8psdcore:tc-functions [2016/05/09 19:11] (current) – [dCore tc-functions Script Overview] nitram
Line 1: Line 1:
-======tc-functions====== +FIXME - incomplete 
- +======dCore tc-functions Script Overview======
-The script library '/etc/init.d/tc-functions' stretches out over several hunderd lines of code. We shall dissect it in smaller chunks. As its name indicates, it contains only function definitions. +
 +The /etc/init.d/tc-functions script consists of almost 400 lines of code. It contains numerous functions and is utilized heavily by both Tiny Core and dCore. This review references older [[dcore:tc-functions source 20150429|tc-functions source code]], which has likely received updates since the review.
 =====Set variables===== =====Set variables=====
Line 96: Line 95:
 =====setupHome()===== =====setupHome()=====
-make sure there is a user home directory with group ownership "staff" and minimal structure taken from '/etc/skel/'. +make sure there is a user home directory with sub-directories '.X.d/' and '.local/bin/' and minimal structure taken from '/etc/skel/'Group ownership is "staff".
 =====merge()===== =====merge()=====
Line 152: Line 150:
 (?!) uses '.desktop'-files, sets variable FREEDESKTOP. (?!) uses '.desktop'-files, sets variable FREEDESKTOP.
- +\\  
 +**[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore wiki welcome page]]**
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