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dcore:screenshots [2016/12/02 01:47] – [User Contributed Screenshots] nitramdcore:screenshots [2017/01/10 13:39] (current) – [User Contributed Screenshots] sbaguz
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 Screenshots from dCore users (click to enlarge): Screenshots from dCore users (click to enlarge):
-Upload instructions: 'Login' (top right), select 'Upload File' (left-side Toolbox), select dcore -> dcorescreenshot, upload screenshot using 'Browse' and 'Upload' buttons (reasonable resolution, appropriate name), click uploaded image and copy file syntax, select 'edit' in this 'User Contributed Screenshot' section, paste the screenshot's file syntax, edit syntax using same format as the other examples (ie. append '?800'), click 'Save'.+Upload instructions: 'Login' (top right), select 'Upload File' (left-side Toolbox), select dcore -> dcorescreenshot, upload *.png screenshot (do not use .jpg) using 'Browse' and 'Upload' buttons (reasonable resolution, appropriate name), click uploaded image and copy file syntax, select 'edit' in this 'User Contributed Screenshot' section, paste the screenshot's file syntax, edit syntax using same format as the other examples (ie. append '?800'), provide a brief description, click 'Save'. 
 +dCore-Jessie running customized Fluxbox and Conky 
 Running dwm and dmenu (suckless-tools), displaying sce-tools, top and rogue on dCore-wily: Running dwm and dmenu (suckless-tools), displaying sce-tools, top and rogue on dCore-wily:
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 LXQt in dCore-xenial, displaying About LXQt, LXImage and dCore Control Panel: LXQt in dCore-xenial, displaying About LXQt, LXImage and dCore Control Panel:
 **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]** **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**
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