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dcore:sce-tools_command [2016/10/21 18:31] nitramdcore:sce-tools_command [2016/10/21 20:21] (current) nitram
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   *Sce Remove: sce-remove command   *Sce Remove: sce-remove command
-This will launch the respective command in a terminal using default options. The dCore SCE management commands are feature rich. To utilize the various command options available, launch the respective command manually from a terminal. For more information regarding these specific commands review [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extensions?&#dcore_sce_management_commands|dCore SCE Management Commands]].+This will launch the respective command in a terminal using default options. The dCore SCE management commands are feature rich. To utilize the various command options available, launch the respective command manually from a terminal. To learn more about these commands review [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extensions?&#dcore_sce_management_commands|dCore SCE Management Commands]].
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