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dcore:ppa-deb2sce_command [2016/07/17 15:24] nitramdcore:ppa-deb2sce_command [2016/08/27 05:21] (current) nitram
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 ===== dCore sce-deb2sce Command ===== ===== dCore sce-deb2sce Command =====
- +Occasionally a user may wish to import a single package (*.deb file) from outside the standard Debian or Ubuntu repositories. This can be accomplished with the ''sce-deb2sce'' commanda small script not part of a base dCore install. To obtain and use ''sce-deb2sce'' download the desired *.deb file and run:
-Occasionally a user may wish to import a single package (*.deb file) from outside the standard Debian or Ubuntu repositories. This can be accomplished with the ''sce-deb2sce'' command. It'a small script not part of a base dCore install. +
- +
-To obtain and utilize ''sce-deb2sce'' run the following:+
     sce-import -o sce-deb2sce     sce-import -o sce-deb2sce
     sce-load sce-deb2sce     sce-load sce-deb2sce
-    sudo sce-deb2sce <DEB-file+    sce-deb2sce <DEB-file>
- +
-Similar to running ''sce-import'', an SCE is created, although it remains in the current working directory. +
- +
-Since all SCEs now require a proper md5sum file to load, this should be created: +
-<code> +
-md5sum my_new.sce > my_new.sce.md5.txt +
-The new SCE can then be loaded for use by running: 
-sce-load /path/to/file/my_new.sce 
-Alternatively move 'my_new.sce' and 'my_new.sce.md5.txt' to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/ so it is recognized by ''sce-load'', then run one of the following to load it for use: +The new SCE can then be loaded for use, run
-<code> +    sce-load /path/to/file/my_new.sce
-sce-load             # Load my_new.sce from menu +
-sce-load my_new.sce  # Direct loading method +
-The newly created SCE can also be added to OnDemand, see the [[dCore:sce-ondemand_command|dCore sce-ondemand Command]].+Alternatively move 'my_new.sce' and 'my_new.sce.md5.txt' to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/ so it is recognized by the system. Then either add the newly created SCE to sceboot.lst, OnDemand or manually load using ''sce-load''. To add the SCE to OnDemand, review the [[dCore:sce-ondemand_command|dCore sce-ondemand Command]].
-Note '*.debfile names usually contain the version number, which may be helpful to keep, even though a more generic extension name may be desired. This can be achieved, for example, by moving the newly created version number SCE file (eg. my_new_2.5.3-3_i386.sce) to /tce/import/debs/ with a generic name symbolic link in /tce/sce (eg. my_new.sce).+Note *.deb file names usually contain the version number, which may be helpful to keep, even though a more generic extension name may be desired. This can be achieved, for example, by moving the newly created version number SCE file (eg. my_new_2.5.3-3_i386.sce) to /tce/import/debs/ with a generic name symbolic link in /tce/sce (eg. my_new.sce).
-**Notice** - The sce-deb2sce script needs updating for anyone willing to patch: +Usage options from the 'sce-deb2sce --help' command: 
-  *The command has no --help information. +  sce-deb2sce - Convert a single Debian package (*.deb file) into an SCE
-  *An md5sum file should be auto-generated+                Useful to import a *.deb file not present in dCore's existing 
-  *Query whether sudo should be needed to run script+                Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Resulting *.sce and *.sce.md5.txt 
-  *Resulting *.sce is owned by root:root, not the usual $USER:staff+                files can be moved into /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/ to be 
-  *Nice if script requested permission to copy SCE to /tce/sce. +                recognized by the system
-  *During testing working SCE was not created (suckless-tools_40-1_i386.deb).+   
 +                The SCE and any dependency SCE(s) required to run the software 
 +                must be loaded with sceboot.lst, sce-ondemand or sce-loadIf 
 +                numerous dependencies are required, importing them as a 
 +                list file may be easiest, see sce-import --help. 
 +  Usage: 
 +  sce-deb2sce debian_package.deb   Convert specified *.deb file into an SCE.
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