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dcore:locales-all_in_dcore [2015/05/10 08:30] sm8psdcore:locales-all_in_dcore [2016/05/18 05:07] (current) – [Installation] nitram
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-====== locales-all in dCore ====== +====== Locales in Debian-based dCore ====== 
-The Debian repositories contain the package //locales-all// that provides all locale-files in a bunchThat all-round carefree package should make up for any localisation requirements. As a down-side there its size of approximately 25 MB to it. That gives reason to cut it down to a //mylocale//-extensions.+ 
 +Debian repositories contain an all inclusive //locales-all// packageThe package is large (~25 MB) and can be trimmed to create a //mylocale// extension.
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
-The following approach has not been thoroughly tested but should work in principle. The technical steps are explained in more detail in the outline about [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:locale_in_ub-dcore|locales in ub-Dcore]].+Although not thoroughly tested, the technical steps are outlined in [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:locale_in_ub-dcore|Locales in Ubuntu-based dCore]].
-  Comment out the line in '~/.profile' that hard-codes the LANG to “en_US.UTF-8” and have it set through the boot-code ''lang'' (cf. below for the locale-codes). +  *Comment out the '~/.profile' line that hard codes the LANG to “en_US.UTF-8” and have it set through the boot code ''lang'' (cf. below for the locale codes). 
-  Import and load the //locales-all// package. All imported locales are available under '/usr/lib/locale/'; its listing provides the locale-codes.+  *Import and load the //locales-all// package. All imported locales are listed in '/usr/lib/locale/', which provides the locale codes
 +==== Mylocale ==== 
 +One may stick with the //locale// extension or -- optionally -- continue to put the selected locales into an extension.
   - Copy the desired locales aside and remove the //locales-all// extension.   - Copy the desired locales aside and remove the //locales-all// extension.
   - [[dcore:locale_in_ub-dcore?&#creating_an_extension_for_the_locales|Create an extension]] for the selected locales.   - [[dcore:locale_in_ub-dcore?&#creating_an_extension_for_the_locales|Create an extension]] for the selected locales.
 +**[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**
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