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dcore:hp-compaq_tc1000 [2015/05/24 10:40] – [Pen input] sm8psdcore:hp-compaq_tc1000 [2016/05/17 15:39] (current) – [dCore on HP-Compaq TC1000] nitram
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-====== dCore on HP-Compaq TC1000 ======+====== dCore on HP Compaq TC1000 ======
 The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compaq_TC1000|HP-Compaq TC1000]] is a 10.4 inch Tablet PC. It features the unique [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmeta_Crusoe|Transmeta Crusoe]] TM5800 processor (1 GHz), a NVIDIA GeForce2 Go 100 graphics controller with 16MB SDRAM and sports up to 768 MB of RAM. The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compaq_TC1000|HP-Compaq TC1000]] is a 10.4 inch Tablet PC. It features the unique [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmeta_Crusoe|Transmeta Crusoe]] TM5800 processor (1 GHz), a NVIDIA GeForce2 Go 100 graphics controller with 16MB SDRAM and sports up to 768 MB of RAM.
 ===== Tested ===== ===== Tested =====
-  * ub-dCore-trusty with LXDE --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 201505//+  * dCore-trusty with LXDE --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 201505//
 ===== Performance ===== ===== Performance =====
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 The built-in Intel Corporation 82551QM Ethernet Controller needs the ''e100'' driver plus associated firmware. The module is built into the kernel but the firmware is not available in linux-firmware{-nonfree}. Instead, it is included in the Ubuntu package linux-image. The built-in Intel Corporation 82551QM Ethernet Controller needs the ''e100'' driver plus associated firmware. The module is built into the kernel but the firmware is not available in linux-firmware{-nonfree}. Instead, it is included in the Ubuntu package linux-image.
-Download the package for a suitable kernel version (check [[http://packages.ubuntu.com|packages.ubuntu.com]]) and extract the folder '/lib/firmware/<KERNEL>/e100/'. Place it directly under '/lib/firmware/' (omitting '<KERNEL>') in dCore and add "lib/firmware/e100" to '.filetool.lst'. Issue ''backup'' and re-boot.+Download the package for a suitable kernel version (for Ubuntu-based dCore check [[http://packages.ubuntu.com|packages.ubuntu.com]]) and extract the folder '/lib/firmware/<KERNEL>/e100/'. Place it directly under '/lib/firmware/' (omitting '<KERNEL>') in dCore and add "lib/firmware/e100" to '.filetool.lst'. Issue ''backup'' and re-boot.
 ===== Wireless ===== ===== Wireless =====
-The device originally came with a Mini-PCI wireless card that only supported 802.11b with WEP but not WPA. That card needs to be replaced by a more recent one.+The device originally came with a Mini-PCI wireless card that only supported 802.11b with WEP but not WPA. That card probably needs to be replaced by a more recent one.
 ===== Pen input ===== ===== Pen input =====
-The digitizer uses Finepoint technology which needs the ''xserver-xorg-input-fpit'' X-driver. That driver is currently not available from any Debian-based repository. A [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18185.msg112557.html#msg112557|request]] for custom packaging has been made in the forum.+The digitizer uses Finepoint technology which needs the ''xserver-xorg-input-fpit'' X-driver. That driver is unmaintained and does not work anymore with [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18185.msg112557.html#msg112557|current versions of Xorg]]. -- RIP, TC1000 Tablet PC! 
 ===== Suspend ===== ===== Suspend =====
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 ===== PCMCIA-slot ===== ===== PCMCIA-slot =====
 A CF-card gets detected by ''cardctl'' (from the pciutils package) but I have not found a way to access its content. A CF-card gets detected by ''cardctl'' (from the pciutils package) but I have not found a way to access its content.
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