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dcore:hp-compaq_tc1000 [2015/05/22 11:05] – [Performance] sm8psdcore:hp-compaq_tc1000 [2016/05/17 15:39] (current) – [dCore on HP-Compaq TC1000] nitram
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-====== dCore on HP-Compaq TC1000 ======+====== dCore on HP Compaq TC1000 ======
 The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compaq_TC1000|HP-Compaq TC1000]] is a 10.4 inch Tablet PC. It features the unique [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmeta_Crusoe|Transmeta Crusoe]] TM5800 processor (1 GHz), a NVIDIA GeForce2 Go 100 graphics controller with 16MB SDRAM and sports up to 768 MB of RAM. The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compaq_TC1000|HP-Compaq TC1000]] is a 10.4 inch Tablet PC. It features the unique [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmeta_Crusoe|Transmeta Crusoe]] TM5800 processor (1 GHz), a NVIDIA GeForce2 Go 100 graphics controller with 16MB SDRAM and sports up to 768 MB of RAM.
 ===== Tested ===== ===== Tested =====
-  * ub-dCore-trusty with LXDE --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 201505//+  * dCore-trusty with LXDE --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 201505//
 ===== Performance ===== ===== Performance =====
-The device runs very smooth and is incredibly snappy to react to user interaction. Picture yourself using the full LibreOffice suite in version 4.2 on such a device and you know what I mean. Hats off to the dCore development team!+The device runs very smooth and is incredibly snappy to react to user interaction once it has gone through the full of its initialization. Picture yourself using the full LibreOffice suite in version 4.2 on such a device without growing a beard while waiting for the menus to open and you know what I mean. Hats off to the dCore development team!
 ===== Ethernet ===== ===== Ethernet =====
 The built-in Intel Corporation 82551QM Ethernet Controller needs the ''e100'' driver plus associated firmware. The module is built into the kernel but the firmware is not available in linux-firmware{-nonfree}. Instead, it is included in the Ubuntu package linux-image. The built-in Intel Corporation 82551QM Ethernet Controller needs the ''e100'' driver plus associated firmware. The module is built into the kernel but the firmware is not available in linux-firmware{-nonfree}. Instead, it is included in the Ubuntu package linux-image.
-Download the package for a suitable kernel version (ub-dCore-trusty is using 3.16.6 but the Ubuntu Trusty package for version 3.13 worked) and extract the folder '/var/lib/firmware/<KERNEL>/e100/'. Place it directly under '/var/lib/firmware/' (omitting '<KERNEL>') in dCore and add "var/lib/firmware/e100" to '.filetool.lst'. Issue ''backup'' and re-boot.+Download the package for a suitable kernel version (for Ubuntu-based dCore check [[http://packages.ubuntu.com|packages.ubuntu.com]]) and extract the folder '/lib/firmware/<KERNEL>/e100/'. Place it directly under '/lib/firmware/' (omitting '<KERNEL>') in dCore and add "lib/firmware/e100" to '.filetool.lst'. Issue ''backup'' and re-boot.
 ===== Wireless ===== ===== Wireless =====
-The device originally came with a Mini-PCI wireless card that only supported 802.11b with WEP but not WPA. That card needs to be replaced by a more recent one.+The device originally came with a Mini-PCI wireless card that only supported 802.11b with WEP but not WPA. That card probably needs to be replaced by a more recent one.
 ===== Pen input ===== ===== Pen input =====
-The pen uses Finepoint technology which needs the ''xserver-xorg-input-fpit'' X-driver. That driver is currently not available from any Debian-based repository. A [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18185.msg112557.html#msg112557|request]] for custom packaging has been made in the forum.+The digitizer uses Finepoint technology which needs the ''xserver-xorg-input-fpit'' X-driver. That driver is unmaintained and does not work anymore with [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18185.msg112557.html#msg112557|current versions of Xorg]]. -- RIP, TC1000 Tablet PC! 
 ===== Suspend ===== ===== Suspend =====
-Suspending to RAM by echoing ''mem'' into '/sys/power/state' does //not// work, although '/sys/power/state' contains ''freeze standby mem disk''.+Suspending to RAM by echoing "meminto '/sys/power/state' does //not// work, although '/sys/power/state' contains "freeze standby mem disk". The screen briefly goes black and then returns with an error message stating that there is "no such device".  
 +Un-loading the tc1100_wmi driver changes the situation in such a way that the computer does go into suspension. However, upon resuming, it shows highly interesting screen effects and no user interaction is possible any more. 
 +===== PCMCIA-slot ===== 
 +A CF-card gets detected by ''cardctl'' (from the pciutils package) but I have not found a way to access its content. 
 +**[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**
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