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dcore:handling_extensions [2017/08/27 14:46] volkerpdcore:handling_extensions [2018/07/13 15:25] (current) volkerp
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   *NEWDEBINX and OLDDEBINX: Both large files will be present if ''sce-update -a'' was previously run, which moves NEWDEBINX to OLDDEBINX and creates a fresh NEWDEBINX. They contain information on all packages in the dCore and Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Used and compared to determine whether updates are available.   *NEWDEBINX and OLDDEBINX: Both large files will be present if ''sce-update -a'' was previously run, which moves NEWDEBINX to OLDDEBINX and creates a fresh NEWDEBINX. They contain information on all packages in the dCore and Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Used and compared to determine whether updates are available.
-  *PKDADDDEP: Lists extra dependencies for specific packages to help them run in dCore, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGADDDEP.+  *PKGADDDEP: Lists extra dependencies for specific packages to help them run in dCore, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGADDDEP.
   *PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST: An md5sum database of data and deb2sce files used during import, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST.   *PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST: An md5sum database of data and deb2sce files used during import, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST.
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