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dcore:handling_extensions [2016/10/04 09:07] nitramdcore:handling_extensions [2018/07/13 15:25] (current) volkerp
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 The /tce/import/ directory contains the sub-directories /debinx/ and /debs/. The /tce/import/ directory contains the sub-directories /debinx/ and /debs/.
-The /tce/debinx/ directory contains numerous plain text database files used by dCore to import and update SCEs:+The /tce/import/debinx/ sub-directory contains numerous plain text database files used by dCore to import and update SCEs:
   *KEEPDOC: Lists packages that should always keep documentation files when imported.   *KEEPDOC: Lists packages that should always keep documentation files when imported.
   *NEWDEBINX and OLDDEBINX: Both large files will be present if ''sce-update -a'' was previously run, which moves NEWDEBINX to OLDDEBINX and creates a fresh NEWDEBINX. They contain information on all packages in the dCore and Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Used and compared to determine whether updates are available.   *NEWDEBINX and OLDDEBINX: Both large files will be present if ''sce-update -a'' was previously run, which moves NEWDEBINX to OLDDEBINX and creates a fresh NEWDEBINX. They contain information on all packages in the dCore and Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Used and compared to determine whether updates are available.
-  *PKDADDDEP: Lists extra dependencies for specific packages to help them run in dCore, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGADDDEP.+  *PKGADDDEP: Lists extra dependencies for specific packages to help them run in dCore, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGADDDEP.
   *PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST: An md5sum database of data and deb2sce files used during import, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST.   *PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST: An md5sum database of data and deb2sce files used during import, from http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/import/PKGDATAFILEMD5SUMLIST.
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   **_main_i386_Packages and *_security_i386_Packages: See [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:handling_extensions?&#dcore_repositories|dCore Repositories]] below.   **_main_i386_Packages and *_security_i386_Packages: See [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:handling_extensions?&#dcore_repositories|dCore Repositories]] below.
-The /tce/debs/ sub-directory contains all *.deb and *.tar.gz files downloaded and utilized to import and update SCEs. As SCEs are updated or removed, over time the directory may contain deprecated files or those no longer needed by any existing SCE. These files can be purged to reclaim drive space using the [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:sce-debpurge_command|dCore sce-debpurge Command]].+The /tce/import/debs/ sub-directory contains all *.deb and *.tar.gz files downloaded and utilized to import and update SCEs. As SCEs are updated or removed, over time the directory may contain deprecated files or those no longer needed by any existing SCE. These files can be purged to reclaim drive space using the [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:sce-debpurge_command|dCore sce-debpurge Command]].
 ==== dCore OnDemand (/tce/ondemand/) Sub-Directory ==== ==== dCore OnDemand (/tce/ondemand/) Sub-Directory ====
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