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dcore:fujitsu-siemens_t4010d [2017/09/18 15:58] – ipw2100 sm8psdcore:fujitsu-siemens_t4010d [2017/09/18 17:00] (current) – [Driver] sm8ps
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 My specific laptop had an Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 card which demanded the steps outlined in the trouble-shooting section of the [[dcore:wireless_set-up?&#trouble-shooting|wireless set-up]] article. My specific laptop had an Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 card which demanded the steps outlined in the trouble-shooting section of the [[dcore:wireless_set-up?&#trouble-shooting|wireless set-up]] article.
-===== Pen input =====+===== X-Server ===== 
 +==== Driver ==== 
 +The //xorg-intel// driver is needed for the integrated Intel 855 GME graphics card. In order to overcome drm-errors of type "CPU pipe {A,B} FIFO underrun", one has to create an Xorg configuration file '/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf' (maybe somewhere else on Debian; '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' should work). 
 +Section "Device" 
 +    Identifier  "Intel Graphics" 
 +    Driver      "intel" 
 +    Option      "AccelMethod"  "uxa" 
 +Issue ''backup'' after added the filename to '/opt/.filetool.lst'
 +==== Pen input ====
 The three buttons of the pen get recognized by X. The tip acts like mouse button 1, the switch button like mouse button 2 and 3. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xournal|Xournal]], for instance, allows attributing different functionality to each one. The three buttons of the pen get recognized by X. The tip acts like mouse button 1, the switch button like mouse button 2 and 3. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xournal|Xournal]], for instance, allows attributing different functionality to each one.
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