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dcore:flash10_creation_script [2016/06/01 21:09] nitramdcore:flash10_creation_script [2016/06/14 13:50] (current) nitram
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 ===== dCore Flash 10 SCE Creation Script ===== ===== dCore Flash 10 SCE Creation Script =====
-Flash 10 SCE creation script from forum member nitram. The script will check to ensure system uses older non-SSE2 processorotherwise import and run ''getFlash11'' from the dCore repository. This script installs the last known working Flash 10 version for these older processors. It creates flash10.sce in the /sce directory and requests user permission to add flash to sceboot.lst. As Adobe no longer provides security updates for this old Flash version, this script can safely be deleted once the Flash extension has been created.+This Flash 10 SCE creation script checks if using an older non-SSE2 processor (otherwise import ''getFlash11''), imports the last known working Flash 10 version for older processorscreates an /sce/flash10.sce and requests permission to add flash10.sce to sceboot.lst. Future update checks not required, as Adobe no longer supports Flash 10.
-Note Flash security issues are well documented, use at own risk. Recommend only running Flash 10 as a last resort as numerous alteratives are available including+Though never having personally experienced any issues running Flash 10 for several years, use at own risk. Flash is proprietary and security issues are well documented. Only run Flash as a last resortnumerous alternatives available: 
-  *SMPlayer works well and is able to stream URLs with better performance on old hardware. Works on youtube.com and many other sites. +  *SMPlayer streams URLs with better performance on old hardware, works on youtube.com and many other sites. 
-  *youtube-dl is excellent for downloading videos from many sites, then play locally with favourite media player. +  *youtube-dl is excellent for downloading videos from many sites, play locally with media player. 
-  *Most websites now provide an html5 alternative to Flash, which is, however, more taxing on old hardware.+  *Firefox add-ons are available to download videos from sites if not fond of youtube-dl. 
 +  *Many websites now use html5, run system without Flash, it may not be missed!
-Lastly if Flash 10 is utilizedrecommend:+If Flash 10 is utilized recommend:
   *Firefox -> Addons -> Ask to Activate instead of 'Always Activate'.   *Firefox -> Addons -> Ask to Activate instead of 'Always Activate'.
-  *Using NoScript or Flash block add-on during majority of browsing.+  *Use NoScript or Flash block add-on during majority of browsing.
-This user no longer uses Flash but the script was created for practice and appears to work well. Rather than deletesharing with others :)+The script was created for practice and worked well, last test May 2016 on dCore-jessie running Iceweasel.
-Last tested May 2016 on dCore-jessie running Iceweasel.+Even though I (nitram) no longer use Flash, rather than delete sharing the script with others :)
 <code> <code>
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