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dcore:faq [2018/12/09 21:13] – [What about 64-bit systems?] jason wdcore:faq [2018/12/11 08:20] (current) – [What should i download?] +link to system requirements re. RAM sm8ps
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 Otherwise download either the small dCore ISO (eg. 16mb dCore-jessie.iso) or larger dCorePlus ISO (eg. 74mb dCorePlus-jessie.iso). The smaller ISO consists of the base file system and kernel with a additional isolinux files for live booting. It will initially only boot into a CLI environment until a TCE directory is set up to download and import extensions, such as Xorg and a Window Manager. Otherwise download either the small dCore ISO (eg. 16mb dCore-jessie.iso) or larger dCorePlus ISO (eg. 74mb dCorePlus-jessie.iso). The smaller ISO consists of the base file system and kernel with a additional isolinux files for live booting. It will initially only boot into a CLI environment until a TCE directory is set up to download and import extensions, such as Xorg and a Window Manager.
-The larger dCorePlus ISO contains these same files plus an ~57mb mega-SCE that includes tce-setdrive, Xvesa, Xtc, Xprogs, wireless, flwm_topside, b43-fwcutter, dosfstools, iw, wireless-3.16.6-tinycore and aterm. This will boot into a graphic environment running Xvesa and the lightweight flwm_topside Window Manager with support for most wireless hardware. If desired, this default SCE can later be removed by the user and replaced by the software of choice. The dCorePlus ISO is recommended for most new users.+The larger dCorePlus ISO contains these same files plus an ~57mb mega-SCE that includes tce-setdrive, Xvesa, Xtc, Xprogs, wireless, flwm_topside, b43-fwcutter, dosfstools, iw, wireless-3.16.6-tinycore and aterm. This will boot into a graphic environment running Xvesa and the lightweight flwm_topside Window Manager with support for most wireless hardware. If desired, this default SCE can later be removed by the user and replaced by the software of choice. The dCorePlus ISO is recommended for most new users. Beware of the memory requirements (s. [[#What are the recommended system requirements?|above]]), however!
 The ISO releases are based on a relatively recent stable dCore release. As dCore is in active development, experienced users who want to track or participate in development (audit scripts, submit patches, test and feedback) should utilize the latest release candidate instead. After dCore is installed, stable updates can be downloaded by running ''version -c'' or ''version -r'' for release candidates. The ISO releases are based on a relatively recent stable dCore release. As dCore is in active development, experienced users who want to track or participate in development (audit scripts, submit patches, test and feedback) should utilize the latest release candidate instead. After dCore is installed, stable updates can be downloaded by running ''version -c'' or ''version -r'' for release candidates.
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