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dcore:desktop_applications [2017/11/17 05:41] – [LibreOffice] +l10n sm8psdcore:desktop_applications [2018/12/05 08:50] (current) – SeaMonkey volkerp
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 ==== SeaMonkey ==== ==== SeaMonkey ====
-[[http://www.seamonkey-project.org/|SeaMonkey]] is a full-featured GTK2 graphic internet application suite. It is conservative, stable and extensible. Although not available in the default Debian and Ubuntu repositories, it can be installed in Ubuntu-based dCore as a PPA from [[http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntuzilla|Ubuntuzilla]] (untested). Alternatively it can be set up manually from either a Debian or Ubuntu-based dCore installation. Review the [[dCore:dCore_seamonkey_guide|dCore SeaMonkey Guide]] for manual installation instructions (tested in dCore-jessie).+[[http://www.seamonkey-project.org/|SeaMonkey]] is a full-featured GTK3 graphic internet application suite. It is conservative, stable and extensible. Although not available in the default Debian and Ubuntu repositories,  there are at least two options to install SeaMonkey in dCore. 
 +=== Option 1: dCore-seamonkey-installer === 
 +Import dCore-seamonkey-installer from dCore's prebuilt repository, load it, and launch it, preferably with the %%--%%help option: 
 +sce-import dCore-seamonkey-installer 
 +sce-load dCore-seamonkey-installer 
 +dCore-seamonkey-installer --help 
 +Follow the instructions. dCore-seamonkey-installer will create seamonkey.sce for you which you can use optionally onboot or ondemand. Do not try to remove dCore-seamonkey-installer.sce since it is a dependency of seamonkey.sce. 
 +=== Option 2: seamonkey-mozilla-build === 
 +The Ubuntuzilla project hosts an APT repository with .deb repacks of the latest official release versions of Mozilla Firefox, Firefox ESR, Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mozilla Thunderbird. This repository should work on any APT-based distribution, including Ubuntu descendants, and Debian descendants. The project was born on Ubuntu forums, but despite the name is not really specific to Ubuntu. 
 +Create a new extra repository file in /opt/debextra/ and copy the address of the repository into it. The address is 
 +[[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main]] 
 +You can find it [[https://sourceforge.net/p/ubuntuzilla/wiki/Main_Page/#installation|here]] 
 +Now you can import SeaMonkey under the name "seamonkey-mozilla-build"
 +Both Option 1 and Option 2 have been tested in dCore-stretch.  
 +=== Outdated === 
 +Following information has become outdated and will possibly archived or removed from the wiki later: 
 +SeaMonkey can be installed in Ubuntu-based dCore as a PPA from [[http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntuzilla|Ubuntuzilla]] (untested). Alternatively it can be set up manually from either a Debian or Ubuntu-based dCore installation. Review the [[dCore:dCore_seamonkey_guide|dCore SeaMonkey Guide]] for manual installation instructions (tested in dCore-jessie).
 ==== Surf ==== ==== Surf ====
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 <code>http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/desktop/Ubuntu_16.04/ /</code> <code>http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/desktop/Ubuntu_16.04/ /</code>
 After loading the extension, the client is started by the command ''owncloud''. After loading the extension, the client is started by the command ''owncloud''.
 +==== Nextcloud ====
 +[[https://nextcloud.com|Nextcloud]] offers its own official [[https://launchpad.net/~nextcloud-devs/+archive/ubuntu/client|PPA]] and runs well on dCore-bionic64.
 ===== Games ===== ===== Games =====
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