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dcore:dcore_seamonkey_guide [2016/10/19 05:56] nitramdcore:dcore_seamonkey_guide [2016/10/19 06:01] (current) nitram
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 Set up SeaMonkey to launch from system tray, custom menu entry or keyboard shortcut as desired. Set up SeaMonkey to launch from system tray, custom menu entry or keyboard shortcut as desired.
-Note Seamonkey can be installed simultaneously with Firefox and automatically creates it's own ~/.mozilla/seamonkey/ configuration directory on first launch.+SeaMonkey can run simultaneous with Firefox as it automatically creates it's own ~/.mozilla/seamonkey/ configuration directory on first launch.
-When a SeaMonkey update is released, simply download the new version and replace the old SeaMonkey data directory. Back up the old data directory and ~/.mozilla/seamonkey directory before testing the new version.+When a SeaMonkey update is released, simply download the new version and replace the old SeaMonkey data directory. Recommend backing up the outdated data and existing ~/.mozilla/seamonkey directories before testing the new version.
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