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dcore:dcore_lxqt_guide [2016/10/22 22:36] – [Configuration] nitramdcore:dcore_lxqt_guide [2016/10/25 08:08] (current) – [Configuration] nitram
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 ==== Configuration ==== ==== Configuration ====
-Use the boot code //lxqt-session// to launch the LXQt environment at boot.+Use the desktop boot code //lxqt-session// to launch the LXQt environment at boot
 +  desktop=lxqt-session
 Create an ~/.X.d/startups file containing the following to launch lxqt-panel and pcmanfm-qt at boot: Create an ~/.X.d/startups file containing the following to launch lxqt-panel and pcmanfm-qt at boot:
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 ==== Issues ==== ==== Issues ====
-Minimal issues were noted during brief testing, nothing that appeared to compromise LXQt stability or functionality. If solutions to these issues are found, please update this wiki page.+Minimal issues were noted during brief testing and LXQt appeared to run stable.
-It should be noted that not all built-in LXQt applicatons and helper utilies were tested. The following utilities were opened and appeared functional: Appearance, Date and Time, Desktop, Desktop Notifications, File Associations, Keyboard and Mouse, LXQt Configuration Center, Locale, Power Management Settings, Session Settings, Shortcut Keys, Users and Groups.+If solutions to these issues are found, please update this wiki page. 
 +Not all built-in LXQt applicatons and helper utilities were tested, the following appeared functional: Appearance, Date and Time, Desktop, Desktop Notifications, File Associations, Keyboard and Mouse, LXQt Configuration Center, Locale, Power Management Settings, Session Settings, Shortcut Keys, Users and Groups.
 Despite installing lxde-icon-theme and configuring pcmanfm-qt, proper icons did not appear when opening Preferences -> LXQt Configuration Center. Either an LXQt bug or additional configuration required. Despite installing lxde-icon-theme and configuring pcmanfm-qt, proper icons did not appear when opening Preferences -> LXQt Configuration Center. Either an LXQt bug or additional configuration required.
-Right-click lxqt-panel -> Configure Panel -> Widgets did not display icons for control buttons, rely on hover text for information.+Right-click lxqt-panel -> Configure Panel -> Widgets, no icons displayed for control buttons, rely on hover text for information.
-Preferences -> Power Management not formally tested. Additional software, such as pm-utils (pm-hibernate, pm-suspend) may need to be imported to enable functionality.+Preferences -> Power Management not formally tested. Additional software like //pm-utils// (pm-hibernate, pm-suspend) may need importing to enable this functionality.
 Selecting pcmanfm-qt -> Computer indicates operation not supported. Selecting pcmanfm-qt -> Computer indicates operation not supported.
-Selecting pcmanfm-qt -> Network indicates operation not supported, anticpate additional dbus or networking software would need to be installed or configuredSoftware such as Samba do not appear to be installed in the default LXQt import. +Selecting pcmanfm-qt -> Network indicates operation not supported. Likely a dbus or networking issueNetworking software, such as Samba, is not installed with the default LXQt import.
- +
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