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dcore:concepts [2016/06/16 02:28] – [dCore History] nitramdcore:concepts [2018/09/10 03:58] (current) – [Basic Concepts] +[remastering] sm8ps
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 ===== dCore History ===== ===== dCore History =====
 Historic dCore development links, track the evolution: \\  Historic dCore development links, track the evolution: \\ 
 **[[http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7457/|> Robert Shingledecker interview, Tiny Core founder (Linux Magazine, August 6, 2009)]]** \\  **[[http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7457/|> Robert Shingledecker interview, Tiny Core founder (Linux Magazine, August 6, 2009)]]** \\ 
 **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq#what_is_dcore_s_history|> dCore first announced by Tiny Core founder Robert Shingledecker (October 2012)]]** \\  **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq#what_is_dcore_s_history|> dCore first announced by Tiny Core founder Robert Shingledecker (October 2012)]]** \\ 
Line 18: Line 19:
 **[[dcore:comparison to TinyCore|> dCore vs Tiny Core Extensions]]** **[[dcore:comparison to TinyCore|> dCore vs Tiny Core Extensions]]**
 +**[[dcore:remastering|> (Re-)Mastering dCore]]**
 ===== System Start ===== ===== System Start =====
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