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dcore:basic_usage_guide [2016/12/26 06:08] – [Maintenance] nitramdcore:basic_usage_guide [2016/12/26 16:03] (current) – [Overview] nitram
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 As a basic installation is minimal, the system can then be expanded and fully customized with kernel modules, drivers, Xorg graphics, various Window Managers or Desktop Environments, sound and any other desired software. As dCore imports software directly from pre-compiled Debian/Ubuntu repositories, thousands of packages are available. Additional software is also available from the dCore pre-built repository, such as kernel modules and select lightweight software no longer available from Debian/Ubuntu. As a basic installation is minimal, the system can then be expanded and fully customized with kernel modules, drivers, Xorg graphics, various Window Managers or Desktop Environments, sound and any other desired software. As dCore imports software directly from pre-compiled Debian/Ubuntu repositories, thousands of packages are available. Additional software is also available from the dCore pre-built repository, such as kernel modules and select lightweight software no longer available from Debian/Ubuntu.
 +This guide uses a typical persistent installation that requires using the ''backup'' command to save session changes in /home/, /opt/ and other directories. Additional boot codes (linked above), such as home=sda1 and opt=sda1, can also be used for systems set up with these dedicated partitions.
 +Although classic, vi is often considered less than user friendly. It is, however, an efficient command line editor that is quite simple to use once a few keyboard commands have been memorized, there are several tutorials online. Regardless, users that wish to use a more user friendly CLI-based editor could import and load ''nano'', provided the dCore install has a working network connection:
 +sce-import -b nano # Import nano, add to sceboot.lst so it's always available
 +sce-load nano      # Load nano for use during this session (not required on reboot)
 +nano file_name     # Open file with nano, prepend sudo for root owned files
 +                   # The ^ command key (eg. ^X to exit) denotes the Ctrl key 
 +Congratulations, already imported and loaded your first extension!
 ==== Basic GUI Management ==== ==== Basic GUI Management ====
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 ==== Resources ==== ==== Resources ====
-The above should help new users quick start a dCore system, much more information is outlined in the dCore wiki and discussed in the dCore subforums, additional resources:+The above should help new users quick start a dCore system. More information is outlined in the dCore wiki and discussed in the dCore subforums:
   * FAQ: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq   * FAQ: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq
   * Wiki: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome   * Wiki: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome
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