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dcore:basic_usage_guide [2016/12/26 05:24] – [Basic CLI Management] nitramdcore:basic_usage_guide [2016/12/26 16:03] (current) – [Overview] nitram
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 As a basic installation is minimal, the system can then be expanded and fully customized with kernel modules, drivers, Xorg graphics, various Window Managers or Desktop Environments, sound and any other desired software. As dCore imports software directly from pre-compiled Debian/Ubuntu repositories, thousands of packages are available. Additional software is also available from the dCore pre-built repository, such as kernel modules and select lightweight software no longer available from Debian/Ubuntu. As a basic installation is minimal, the system can then be expanded and fully customized with kernel modules, drivers, Xorg graphics, various Window Managers or Desktop Environments, sound and any other desired software. As dCore imports software directly from pre-compiled Debian/Ubuntu repositories, thousands of packages are available. Additional software is also available from the dCore pre-built repository, such as kernel modules and select lightweight software no longer available from Debian/Ubuntu.
 +This guide uses a typical persistent installation that requires using the ''backup'' command to save session changes in /home/, /opt/ and other directories. Additional boot codes (linked above), such as home=sda1 and opt=sda1, can also be used for systems set up with these dedicated partitions.
 +Although classic, vi is often considered less than user friendly. It is, however, an efficient command line editor that is quite simple to use once a few keyboard commands have been memorized, there are several tutorials online. Regardless, users that wish to use a more user friendly CLI-based editor could import and load ''nano'', provided the dCore install has a working network connection:
 +sce-import -b nano # Import nano, add to sceboot.lst so it's always available
 +sce-load nano      # Load nano for use during this session (not required on reboot)
 +nano file_name     # Open file with nano, prepend sudo for root owned files
 +                   # The ^ command key (eg. ^X to exit) denotes the Ctrl key 
 +Congratulations, already imported and loaded your first extension!
 ==== Basic GUI Management ==== ==== Basic GUI Management ====
Line 68: Line 80:
 cpanel              # Open Control Panel. cpanel              # Open Control Panel.
 exittc              # Open TC Exit Options GUI. exittc              # Open TC Exit Options GUI.
-filetool.sh -b      # Perform regular backup (''backup'' command above launches /usr/bin/filetool.sh -b).+filetool.sh -b      # Perform regular backup ('backup' command above launches /usr/bin/filetool.sh -b).
 filetool.sh -sb     # Perform safe backup (/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/mydatabk.tgz, then regular backup). filetool.sh -sb     # Perform safe backup (/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/mydatabk.tgz, then regular backup).
 filetool            # Open Backup Restore and Lists Maintenance GUI. filetool            # Open Backup Restore and Lists Maintenance GUI.
-fltk-editor         # Open default graphic editor or use ''fltk-editor file_name'+fltk-editor         # Open default graphic editor or use 'fltk-editor file_name' 
-                    # or ''sudo fltk-editor file_name'' for root files.+                    # or 'sudo fltk-editor file_name' for root files.
 flrun               # Open FLRun Application Launcher. flrun               # Open FLRun Application Launcher.
 mnttool             # Open Mount Tool GUI. mnttool             # Open Mount Tool GUI.
 ondemand_SCE_name   # As /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ondemand/ is in the default executable path, ondemand_SCE_name   # As /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ondemand/ is in the default executable path,
                     # OnDemand SCEs can be quick loaded by simply entering the SCE name                     # OnDemand SCEs can be quick loaded by simply entering the SCE name
-                    # (eg. ''firefox'' if Firefox is in OnDemand). Provided the executable name+                    # (eg. 'firefox' if Firefox is in OnDemand). Provided the executable name
                     # is the same as the SCE name, most applications with desktop files auto-launch.                     # is the same as the SCE name, most applications with desktop files auto-launch.
-sce-command --help  # Output SCE command help and usage information (eg. ''sce-import --help'', two dashes).+sce-command --help  # Output SCE command help and usage information (eg. 'sce-import --help', two dashes).
 sce-tools           # Open SCE Tools GUI. sce-tools           # Open SCE Tools GUI.
-screenshot.sh       # Take a screenshot, use ''sleep 5 && screenshot.sh'' for time delay. +screenshot.sh       # Take a screenshot, use 'sleep 5 && screenshot.sh' for time delay. 
 services            # Open Services GUI. services            # Open Services GUI.
 top                 # Open top process monitor. top                 # Open top process monitor.
-vi                  # Open default terminal editor ''vi'' or use ''vi file_name'' or +vi                  # Open default terminal editor 'vi' or use 'vi file_name' or 
-                    # ''sudo vi file_name'' for root owned files, numerous tutorials online.+                    # 'sudo vi file_name' for root owned files, numerous tutorials online.
 xkill               # Use skull cursor to select and kill problematic graphic applications, xkill               # Use skull cursor to select and kill problematic graphic applications,
-                    # traditional ''kill'' and ''killall'' also available.+                    # traditional 'kill' and 'killall' also available.
 </code> </code>
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 Terminal use is straightforward, basic generic Linux command examples below, numerous tutorials online: Terminal use is straightforward, basic generic Linux command examples below, numerous tutorials online:
 <code> <code>
-  * cdChange to home directory. +cd                     # Change to home directory. 
-  cd /enter/desired/pathChange directory to designated pathway, use tab autocomplete. +cd /desired/path       # Change directory to designated pathway, use tab autocomplete. 
-  cd ..Move up to parent directory. +cd ..                  # Move up to parent directory. 
-  cd -Return to previous directory. +cd -                   # Return to previous directory. 
-  cpCopy files, see ''cp --help''+cp                     # Copy file(s)
-  mkdirMake directory, see ''mkdir --help''+mkdir                  # Make directory. 
-  mvMove files, see ''mv --help''+mv                     # Move file(s)
-  pwdPrint working directory. +pwd                    # Print working directory. 
-  rmRemove files, see ''rm --help''+rm                     # Remove file(s)
-  touchCreate file, see ''touch --help''+touch                  # Create file(s)
-  startxLaunch Window Manager or Desktop Environment from TTY. +startx                 # Launch Window Manager or Desktop Environment from TTY. 
-  Alt-SysRq-R-E-I-S-U-B: Hold Alt-SysRq then enter R-E-I-S-U-B keys (in that order) to safely recover from most major system problems. If the GUI freezes, often simply entering Alt-SysRq-R-E may gracefully exit graphics and return to TTY. Issue startx to restart Window Manager.+Alt-SysRq-R-E-I-S-U-B  # Depress Alt-SysRq and enter R-E-I-S-U-B keys (in that order) 
 +                       # to safely reboot from most major system problems. 
 +Alt-SysRq-R-E          # If the GUI locks up this may allow graceful graphics exit 
 +                       # to TTY, issue startx to restart Window Manager.
 </code> </code>
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 === flwm_topside Mouse Usage === === flwm_topside Mouse Usage ===
-Neither a traditional panel or even wbar is required, although wbar is included in the dCorePlus ISO. The applications and main menu can be accessed by clicking on free desktop space with any mouse button or by right clicking on any window title bar. All running applications are automatically listed in the main menu. Title bars are located horizontally across the top of the windows and include the window title. Mouse click on the top right window buttons: iconify window, toggle maximize horizontally, toggle maximize vertically and close window.  Menu items can be selected by clicking a highlighted item with any mouse button. New windows are smart placed based on open screen space and the mouse cursor is automatically moved to the top left corner of the new window.+Neither a traditional panel or even wbar is required, although wbar is included in the dCorePlus ISO. The applications and main menu can be accessed by clicking on free desktop space with any mouse button or by right clicking on any window title bar. All open applications are automatically listed in the main menu. Title bars are located horizontally across the top of the windows and include the window title. Mouse click on the top right window buttons: iconize window, toggle maximize horizontally, toggle maximize vertically and close window.  Menu items can be selected by clicking a highlighted item with any mouse button. New windows are smart placed based on open screen space and the mouse cursor is automatically moved to the top left corner of the new window. Re-position a window by holding left or middle click on the window title bar and dragging the window. Resize a window by holding left click on any corner or edge (cursor changes) and dragging the window smaller or larger.
 === flwm_topside Keyboard Shortcuts === === flwm_topside Keyboard Shortcuts ===
 <code> <code>
-Alt+F1                      iconize window +Alt+F1                      # Iconize window 
-Ctrl Alt arrows             move window +Ctrl Alt arrows             # Move window 
-Ctrl Alt =                  grow window (unshifted + key) +Ctrl Alt =                  # Grow window (unshifted + key) 
-Ctrl Alt -                  shrink window +Ctrl Alt -                  # Shrink window 
-Ctrl Alt PgUp               grow window veritcally +Ctrl Alt PgUp               # Grow window veritcally 
-Ctrl Alt PgDn               shrink window vertically +Ctrl Alt PgDn               # Shrink window vertically 
-Ctrl Alt ,                  grow window hortizontally (unshifted < key) +Ctrl Alt ,                  # Grow window hortizontally (unshifted < key) 
-Ctrl Alt .                  grow window hortizontally (unshifted > key) +Ctrl Alt .                  # Grow window hortizontally (unshifted > key) 
-Ctrl Alt t                  taller (sames as PgUp) +Ctrl Alt t                  # Taller (sames as PgUp) 
-Ctrl Alt s                  shorter (same as PgDn) +Ctrl Alt s                  # Shorter (same as PgDn) 
-Ctrl Alt m                  maximize window toggle +Ctrl Alt m                  # Maximize window toggle 
-Ctrl Alt v                  maximize vertical toggle +Ctrl Alt v                  # Maximize vertical toggle 
-Ctrl Alt h                  maximize hortizontal toggle +Ctrl Alt h                  # Maximize hortizontal toggle 
-Alt Tab                     open applications and main menu +Alt Tab                     # Open applications and main menu 
-up/down/left/right arrows   navigate menu +up/down/left/right arrows   # Navigate menu 
-spacebar                    select menu item+spacebar                    # Select menu item
-- flwm now optionally supports environment variable FLWM_TITLEBAR_COLOR to set color for window title bars. +# FLWM optionally supports environment variable FLWM_TITLEBAR_COLOR to set color for window title bars. 
-To set use hex rgb, e.g, 20:5F:20 (Currently supports fltk gtk+ scheme.)+To set use hex rgb, e.g, 20:5F:20 (Currently supports fltk gtk+ scheme).
 </code> </code>
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 ==== Base File System Updates ==== ==== Base File System Updates ====
-The dCore initrd file (base file system) is updated frequently due to active development and users have the option to track either stable or RC release. Although less tested, RC release provide the latest bug fixes and features. Users wishing to assist with testing should run an up to date RC release before reporting bugs. Essentially the ''version -r'' (RC release) or ''version -c'' (stable release) commands are used to check and install base file system updates. Ensure the /etc/sysconfig/boot_path file is properly configured. Reboot the system to apply the update. Review [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:upgrading_kernel_and_initrd#dcore_initrd_updates|dCore Initrd Updates]] for more information.+The dCore initrd file (base file system) is updated frequently due to active development and users have the option to track either stable or RC release. Although less tested, RC releases provide the latest bug fixes and features. Users wishing to assist with testing should run an up to date RC release before reporting bugs. Essentially the ''version -r'' (RC release) or ''version -c'' (stable release) commands are used to check and install base file system updates. Ensure the /etc/sysconfig/boot_path file is properly configured. Reboot the system to apply the update. Review [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:upgrading_kernel_and_initrd#dcore_initrd_updates|dCore Initrd Updates]] for more information.
 ==== SCE Updates ==== ==== SCE Updates ====
-As bug fixes and security releases become available, SCEs should be periodically updated. See the [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:sce-update_command|dCore sce-update Command]] and [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extension_strategies#version_conflicts|Version Conflicts]] wiki entries for more information. A system reboot is recommended to apply updates if outdated SCEs were already loaded during the session.+As bug fixes and security releases become available, SCEs should be periodically updated. Review [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:sce-update_command|dCore sce-update Command]] and [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extension_strategies#version_conflicts|Version Conflicts]] for more information. A system reboot is recommended to apply updates if outdated SCEs were already loaded during the session.
 ==== Persistence and System Changes ==== ==== Persistence and System Changes ====
-Like Tiny Core Linux, an installation is not persistent unless a TCE directory has been set up. This stores all imported SCE extensions so they are persistent and available across reboots. The TCE directory also stores the mydata.tgz backup file when running the ''backup'' command. By default this contains any files located in the home and opt directory. If it is necessary to add additional files for backup outside of these default directories, they should be entered into /opt/.filetool.lst. Any files or directories the user wants to exclude from ''backup'', to keep the backup file smaller, should be added into /opt/.xfiletool.lst. Although these files can be manually modified, when working in a graphic environment it may be easiest to use the Backup Restore GUI, launched by running ''filetool'' or accessed via System Tools -> Control Panel -> Backup/Restore.+Like Tiny Core Linux, an installation is not persistent unless a TCE directory has been set up. This stores all imported SCE extensions so they are available across reboots. The TCE directory also stores the mydata.tgz backup file when running the ''backup'' command. By default this contains any files located in the home and opt directory. If it is necessary to add additional files for backup outside of these default directories, they should be entered into /opt/.filetool.lst. Any files or directories the user wants to exclude from ''backup'', to keep the backup file smaller, should be added into /opt/.xfiletool.lst. Although these files can be manually modified, when working in a graphic environment it may be easiest to use the Backup Restore GUI, launched by running ''filetool'' or accessed via System Tools -> Control Panel -> Backup/Restore.
-Additional important configuration files include:+Most system related configuration files are located in the /etc/sysconfig/ and /opt/ directories. Additional important configuration files for launching executables and applications at boot:
   * /opt/bootlocal.sh: Enter desired root commands to run in the background during system boot.   * /opt/bootlocal.sh: Enter desired root commands to run in the background during system boot.
   * /opt/bootsyn.sh: Enter desired high priority root commands to run during system boot.   * /opt/bootsyn.sh: Enter desired high priority root commands to run during system boot.
-  * ~/.X.d/: Create a plain text file (not script) containing non-root commands to launch later in the boot cycle. For example, create a file named 'startups' containing: +  * ~/.X.d/: Create a plain text file (not script) containing non-root commands to launch later in the boot cycle, typically graphic applications. For example, create a file named 'startups' containing: 
-    conky & +<code> 
-    dillo & +conky & 
-    xset s 300 &+dillo & 
 +xset s 300 & 
-When running a persistent system, the ''backup'' command must be run before shutdown whenever configuration changes were made during the session, otherwise the data will be lost.+When using a persistent system, the ''backup'' command must be run before shutdown whenever configuration changes were made during the session, otherwise the data will be lost.
 ==== Backup ==== ==== Backup ====
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 As all other critical files are stored within the TCE directory, a periodic copy/paste of this entire directory to other media effectively backs up the entire system, including SCE, mydata.tgz and mydatabk.tgz files. As all other critical files are stored within the TCE directory, a periodic copy/paste of this entire directory to other media effectively backs up the entire system, including SCE, mydata.tgz and mydatabk.tgz files.
-When the system is set up and is running well, a safe backup should periodically be performed via ''filetool.sh -sb'', to backup mydata.tgz to mydatabk.tgz. Numerous mydata.tgz or mydatabk.tgz backup files can be manually kept if desired. The mydata.tgz file can be manually replaced with a known good version in the event of file corruption or system misconfiguration.+When the system is set up and is running well, a safe backup should periodically be performed via ''filetool.sh -sb'', to copy mydata.tgz to mydatabk.tgz. Several mydata.tgz or mydatabk.tgz backup files can be manually saved if desired. The mydata.tgz file can be manually replaced with a known good version in the event of file corruption or system misconfiguration.
 Although rare, there is a possiblity an updated SCE may not work correctly due to an RC bug, broken Debian/Ubuntu package or corrupt file system. Modifying SAFEBACKUP=TRUE in /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig will automatically backup the old SCE in /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/backup/ when running ''sce-update'' or re-importing an SCE, which can be manually restored as needed. Note the modified /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig file needs to be added to /opt/.filetool.lst and ''backup'' run for the configuration change to be saved. Although rare, there is a possiblity an updated SCE may not work correctly due to an RC bug, broken Debian/Ubuntu package or corrupt file system. Modifying SAFEBACKUP=TRUE in /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig will automatically backup the old SCE in /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/backup/ when running ''sce-update'' or re-importing an SCE, which can be manually restored as needed. Note the modified /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig file needs to be added to /opt/.filetool.lst and ''backup'' run for the configuration change to be saved.
 ==== Maintenance ==== ==== Maintenance ====
-Aside from the updates and backups discussed above, dCore requires little maintenance. An advantage of using self-contained extensions that link to the main file system is that when the SCE is removed, all traces of the main program and dependencies are gone, with the exception of home direcctory configuration files.+Aside from the updates and backups discussed above, dCore requires little maintenance. An advantage of using self-contained extensions that link to the main file system is that when the SCE is removed, all traces of the main program and dependencies are gone, no cruft left behind with the exception of home directory configuration files.
 Optional periodic maintenance tasks: Optional periodic maintenance tasks:
-  * Manually cleanup unneeded home directory files.+  * Manually remove unneeded home directory files.
   * Run ''sce-debpurge'' and ''sce-debpurge -n'' to remove outdated and unneeded Debian (*.deb) files to reclaim drive space.   * Run ''sce-debpurge'' and ''sce-debpurge -n'' to remove outdated and unneeded Debian (*.deb) files to reclaim drive space.
-  * Run ''sce-remove'' and remove SCE(s) no longer required to reclaim drive space and improve ''sce-update -a'' (update all SCEs) efficiency. +  * Run ''sce-remove'' to remove SCE(s) no longer required, reclaims drive space and improves ''sce-update -a'' (update all SCEs) efficiency. 
-  * If using /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig SAFEBACKUP=TRUE, manually remove /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/backup/ items as desired.+  * If using /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig SAFEBACKUP=TRUE, manually remove old /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/backup/ items as desired.
 ==== Resources ==== ==== Resources ====
-The above should help new users quick start a dCore system, much more information is outlined in the dCore wiki and discussed in the dCore subforums, additional resources:+The above should help new users quick start a dCore system. More information is outlined in the dCore wiki and discussed in the dCore subforums:
   * FAQ: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq   * FAQ: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq
   * Wiki: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome   * Wiki: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome
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