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dcore:basic_desktop_installation [2018/07/09 17:39] – [Checks] -typo (tce-dir) sm8psdcore:basic_desktop_installation [2019/04/10 10:05] (current) – [Install dCore on Hard-disk] typos TomyTurbos
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 ======Install dCore on Hard-disk====== ======Install dCore on Hard-disk======
-dCore may well be installed to hard-disk in the same frugal way as on a [[dcore:usb_installation_test-drive|USB-stick]]. Here we consider, though, a full-fledged installation with persistent '/home/' and '/opt/', //Syslog//, multiple TTYs and some more goodies. There are quite some choices made and this exposition will give a basic, functional desktop. All of it can later be adapted to once likings.+dCore may well be installed to hard-disk in the same frugal way as on a [[dcore:usb_installation_test-drive|USB-stick]]. Here we consider, though, a full-fledged installation with persistent '/home/' and '/opt/', //Syslog//, multiple TTYs and some more goodies. There are quite some choices made and this exposition will give a basic, functional desktop. All of it can later be adapted to one's liking.
 The persistent directories will reside directly on hard-disk instead of being included into 'mydata.gz'. The advantage over the frugal installation is that there is no need for packing and un-packing those two, possibly quite large directories.  The persistent directories will reside directly on hard-disk instead of being included into 'mydata.gz'. The advantage over the frugal installation is that there is no need for packing and un-packing those two, possibly quite large directories. 
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