[BootLoader → bzImage → tinycore.gz] → init → inittab → init.d/rcS → tc-config → ( dhcp.sh & tce-setup & restore.sh & bootsync.sh → bootlocal.sh) → init → /root/.profile → /home/tc/.profile →→→ /usr/bin/startx → ( xsetup.sh) → /home/tc/.xsession → ( Xvesa, jwm & wbar & /home/tc/.X.d/*.* )
Loads function library (/etc/init.d/tc-functions)
Exports PATH Environment Variable
Builds MODPROBE Blacklist Config (/etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist.conf)
Populates /dev (/sbin/udevd)
Starts Loop Kernel Module (/sbin/modprobe → /bin/busybox modprobe)
Creates Compressed Swap in RAM (/sbin/mkswap → /bin/busybox mkswap)
Adds SCSI drives to fstab
Starts SYSLOG (/sbin/syslogd → /bin/busybox syslogd)
Exports LANG Environment Variable
Configures Timezone as specified in TZ boot parameter (/etc/sysconfig/timezone)
Configures Real-Time Clock (/sbin/hwclock → /bin/busybox hwclock)
Configures hostname (/etc/hostname)
Configures Network Loopback (/sbin/ifconfig → /bin/busybox ifconfig)
Configures ATA over Ethernet
Create user named in USER boot parameter (/bin/adduser → /bin/busybox adduser)
Create Base Directories for TCE Applications
Load Remote Tiny Core Extensions
URL defined in TFTPLIST boot parameter
URL defined in HTTPLIST boot parameter
Mount Filesystems
NFS mount-point defined in NFSMOUNT boot parameter
Network Block Device mount-point defined in NBD boot parameter
TC Virtual Hard Drive defined in TCVD boot parameter
Load LVM/RAID extensions specified in PRETCE boot parameter
Setup Persistent 'home' folder
Setup Persistent 'opt' folder
Enable Laptop functionality if LAPTOP boot parameter defined
Disable Swap file if NOSWAP boot parameter defined
Use swap file as defined in SWAPFILE boot parameter
Attempt Restore from Hibernation from file defined in RESTORE boot parameter
Configure Icon location or hide icons if NOICONS boot parameter is defined
Load Local Tiny Core Extensions (/usr/bin/tce-setup)
process any .gzs files
process tcz initrd builtins
process regular tcz extensions
process CD extensions
process scm files
Configure Key Mappings as defined in KEYMAP boot variable
Configure root and user passwords
Enable encryption of user store
Configure XORG VESA Video Mode as defined in XVESA boot variable
Start DHCP Process (/etc/init.d/dhcp.sh)
Set Time via Real-Time Clock (/etc/init.d/settime.sh)
Start CRON Process (/etc/init.d/services/crond)
Start Bootsync Process (/opt/bootsync.sh)
Autologin as $USER if NOAUTOLOGIN boot parameter is NOT defined
Pause completion of script execution if PAUSE boot parameter is defined