====== ???? Tiny Core Linux ?? ====== This page in other languages: [[Start|English]] ===== [[Guides|??]] ===== ==== ??:???????????, ???????? ==== * -- ==== ??Tiny Core Linux ==== * [[Getting Started,cn|????]] * [[Tiny Core Utilities,cn|Tiny Core Linux ?????]] * [[Package management cheat sheet,cn|?????]] ==== ?? ==== * [[Installing TC|??Tiny Core Linux]] * [[http://tinycorelinux.com/faq.html#bootcodes|????]] * [[Boot codes explained|??????]] ==== ?? ==== * [[Applications|??]] * [[Installing Applications|??????]] * [[Creating Extensions|????]] * [[Creating Personal Icons|??????]] * [[Local_appbrowser_server|???????]] ==== ?? ==== * [[Adding a Desktop to MicroCore|?MicroCore????]] * [[Backup|??]] * [[Cpu frequency scaling basics|CPU??????]] * [[Display Modes|????]] * [[Firewall|???]] * [[Flash Player|Flash???]] * [[GTK themes|GTK??]] * [[Netbook Tips|??????]] * [[Netbooting|????]] * [[Security|??]] * [[Setting up Sound|????]] * [[Setting up Wifi|WIFI??]] * [[Using acpid to control your PC buttons|??acpid?????????]] * [[Using Xorg over Xvesa|??Xorg?Xvesa]] * [[VirtualBox|VirtualBox???]] * [[Window Managers and Desktop Environments|??????????]] * [[cups1311|?? cups1311?????]] * [[Economic Printing|Ecofont?????????????]] * [[Fonts,cn|FCITX ??????????]] ==== ???? ==== * [[Remastering|????]] * [[Integrating Extensions|?????ISO]] * [[Custom Kernel|?????]] * [[Bootchart|Bootchart???]] ==== ?? ==== * [[bootlocal.sh and shutdown.sh|bootlocal.sh?shutdown.sh]] * [[Backup - Restore|?????]] * [[Persistent Home|???Home??]] * [[Backup-check|Check your backup worked before rebooting]] ===== [[tiki-list_faqs.php|??????(FAQs)]] ===== ????? * [[tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=4|FAQ??]] * [[tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=3|FAQ??]] ===== [[tiki-galleries.php|?????]] ===== ????: * [[tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=1|??????]] * -- Tiny Core Linux???????????[[http://info.tikiwiki.org/|TikiWiki]]????. ???????????????[[http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Wiki+Page+Editor|?????]].