=====Install TinyCore without optical drive with grub2 bootloader on to a spare partition ===== ===Assumptions=== **Try at own risk**, assumes you have wired internet. Assumes 32 bit install and host has grub2 bootloader. The data-partition should not have a folder called opt, tce. My spare partition has no home folder but it may be possible, to use a separate host /home partition but not tested by me. On my host, the spare partition mounts under /a, which is non-FHS. Hopefully yours will be called /mnt/sdx, and mine is sda2. Steps could be modified if you use the multicore distro. ===On host computer, create files and their temporary permissions=== They are called temporary permissions, because on reboot, TC will fix them up mkdir /a/tce /tmp/unpack && cd /tmp wget http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/x86/release/TinyCore-current.iso Remember to change mkdir /a -- to whatever your pathway to spare partition is please Become root eg sudo su or su, or prefix below commands with sudo and unpack iso to obtain some files su cd /tmp mount -o loop TinyCore-current.iso unpack I won't attempt to create user tc or group staff so TC fixes this on first boot. Now copy some files. cd unpack && cp boot/core.gz /a && cp boot/vmlinuz /a cd cde && cp -R * /a/tce Not sure what your HOST defaults are...let's make the folder tce world read-write-execute \\ and readable for kernel and core cd /a && chmod 777 -R tce chmod 444 vmlinuz core.gz ====Host grub2 actions==== Edit our grub2 file, change leafpad to your preferred terminal or gui text editor please. leafpad /etc/grub.d/40_custom Consider adding extra boot codes as well from TC wiki. [[wiki:boot_codes_explained|boot codes]] -----------------copy and paste ---------- menuentry "TC hard-drive" { set root=(hd0,msdos2) linux /vmlinuz tce=sda2 opt=sda2 waitusb=5 showapps initrd /core.gz } ------------end of paste......there is one empty line below the " } " Change hd0,msdos2 (first hard drive, sda2) to where-ever your spare partition is. save file and run update-grub cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg (to check it landed ok) reboot good luck [[wiki:start| Back to wiki index]]