====== Basic Commands for New Users ======
==== List the Contents of a Directory ====
To list the contents of a directory, open the terminal and type
ls stands for list.
For more details, use
ls -l
-l stands for long.
To view all files, including hidden files use
ls -a
In Linux, hidden filenames start with a "."
You can combine -l and -a, like this
ls -al
==== Change Directory ====
To change to a directory within the one you are in, use
cd directory-name
To change to a directory in the directory in one you are in, use
cd directory-name/directory-name
To change to the root directory, use
cd /
To change to a directory in root, use
cd /directory-name
To change to the home directory, use
cd ~/
To change to a directory within the home directory, use
cd ~/directory-name
To change up to the directory containing the one you are in, use
cd ..
To change up two levels, use
cd ../..
==== Display the Contents of a File ====
To display the contents of a file, use
cat filename
This may be used to read text files.
==== As Root or Administrator ====
To have root or administrator permissions, use
before commands.
For example, to start the text editor as root or administrator, use
sudo editor
==== Stop an Application ====
To stop an application, use
killall app-name