===== dCore sce-ondemand Command ===== The sce-ondemand command is used to manage OnDemand SCE(s). Adding an SCE to OnDemand creates an application entry in the (supported) Window Manager's OnDemand menu and auto generates a script in /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ondemand/, example: #!/bin/sh ondemand -e firefox.sce This command loads and launches the SCE through a desktop file, found in /usr/local/share/applications/, or by directly issuing ''exec''. A pop-up message indicating //'Neither freedesktop file nor App executable exists. Please invoke from terminal or menu'// when attempting to launch an OnDemand extension usually means the application does not have a desktop file and is meant to be executed from command line. The contents of the OnDemand script may be manually modified to fix application launch issues or customize functionality. For example, this modified qpdfview OnDemand script ensures newly opened PDF documents open in tabbed mode: #!/bin/sh #ondemand -e qpdfview.sce sce-load qpdfview && qpdfview --unique If creating SCEs from list files (see sce-import -l command) it may be easiest to name the list file, and subsequent created SCE name, after the main executable to ensure it launches properly from an OnDemand menu. The ''sce-ondemand'' command is a symlink evolved from ''ondemand'', simply running ''ondemand SCE'' is a shortcut to quickly add an existing SCE to OnDemand, example: ondemand firefox The easiest way to add an application to OnDemand is during the import process, review ''sce-import --help'' regarding ''sce-import -o'' (OnDemand). As OnDemand is in dCore's default application path, OnDemand applications are accessible with terminal tab auto-complete prior to loading. In most cases, issuing the application's executable command, via terminal or Window Manager menu, will auto-load and immediately execute the application. tc@box:~$ echo $PATH /home/tc/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/bb:/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/ondemand Usage options from the ''sce-ondemand --help'' command: sce-ondemand - Manage ondemand SCE(s). Adding an SCE to ondemand creates a script in /tce/ondemand and updates the Window Manager's ondemand menu, which provides a convenient way to load less frequently used SCE(s) after boot. Usage: sce-ondemand SCE Add SCE to ondemand, update menus. sce-ondemand -c Display current ondemand SCE(s). sce-ondemand -e SCE Load and execute any SCE, do not add to ondemand. sce-ondemand -l List available SCE(s) to add to ondemand, those not yet in sceboot.lst or ondemand. sce-ondemand -r SCE Remove SCE from ondemand, update menus. **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**