===== dCore sce-load Command ===== The sce-load command is used to load SCE(s) into RAM for use. Note extensions listed in /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sceboot.lst are automatically loaded at boot time. Supported dCore Window Managers have an integrated OnDemand menu, which allows easy loading of SCEs placed in OnDemand. Review the [[dCore:sce-ondemand_command|dCore sce-ondemand Command]] for more information. Process: *Check SCE integrity by comparing it's md5sum to the *.sce.md5.txt file, unless the nomd5 bootcode was used. *Recursively gather the full list of dependencies from the *.sce.dep files. *Create a /tmp/tcloop// directory and loop-mount it's SquashFS file. *Copy /opt/, /usr/, /bin/, /sbin/, /lib/, /dev/, /etc/, /var/ files as symbolic links to the root file system. *Check for kernel modules in the SquashFS file and if present call depmod -a and udevadm trigger. *Call ldconfig. *Check for start-up scripts and execute them, add package name to /tmp/.installed. *If a graphic desktop is configured, update the menu and icon set as specified in the SCE's desktop file. *Add the installed package to /tmp/.debinstalled, provided it's md5sum is given. *Call restart for the desktop, if available, and restart wbar if loaded. *SCEs that were imported through a list file (see sce-import --help) are loaded in the order specified in the list. Usage options from the 'sce-load --help' command: sce-load - Load SCE(s) and any SCE(s) depended on into RAM for use. SCEs typically located in /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/. Usage: sce-load Menu prompt, select SCE to load. sce-load SCE Directly load the named SCE. sce-load SCE1 SCE2 Directly load multiple SCEs. sce-load -b SCE Internal use only, to load SCEs at boot time. sce-load -d SCE Write any debug information to var/log/sce.log. sce-load -s SCE Suppress terminal output during loading process. **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**