====== dCore Base Installation ======
How to install and maintain the dCore base system including examples, walk throughs, kernel and initrd updates, localisation (language and keyboard layouts) and notes from previous hardware installs. As only a dCorePlus ISO installation includes an X Window System and Window Manager, the [[dcore:desktop-quicky|dCore Desktop Quicky]] guide is linked below to easily upgrade to a graphic environment. See the [[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:faq#what_should_i_download|What should i download?]] section for more information. All information below based on x86 architecture unless otherwise specified.
===== dCore Installation Guides =====
=== dCore Test Drive on a USB Stick (Beginners 101) ===
A dCore Test Drive on a USB Stick from a pre-existing Linux friendly boot loader (Grub2 example, some Syslinux information). A very thorough introduction to many dCore principles, covers importing extensions, setting up a persistence system, getting graphics running and much more:
**[[dcore:USB_installation_test-drive|> dCore Test Drive on a USB Stick]]**
=== dCore Basic Desktop Installation (Beginners 102) ===
A dCore desktop installation on a hard drive with persistent /home and /opt directories from a pre-existing Linux friendly boot loader:
**[[dcore:basic_desktop_installation|> dCore Basic Desktop Installation on a Hard Drive]]**
=== dCore Boot using Syslinux ===
A dCore USB boot example using the Syslinux boot loader:
**[[dcore:dCore_and_Syslinux|> dCore Syslinux Boot Loader Example]]**
=== dCore Boot and Installation from GRUB Legacy ===
Brief dCore installation and boot example from an existing Linux install using GRUB Legacy:
**[[dcore:dCore_boot_and_installation_from_GRUB_Legacy|> dCore Boot and Installation from GRUB Legacy]]**
=== dCore Boot and Installation from GRUB2 ===
Brief dCore installation and boot example from an existing Linux install using GRUB2:
**[[dcore:dCore_boot_and_installation_from_Grub2|> dCore Boot and Installation from GRUB2]]**
=== dCore Install From ISO to Hard Drive Without Existing Boot Loader ===
A manual persistent dCore base installation from ISO to hard drive without a pre-existing boot loader. The walk through uses primarily built-in tools to partition a drive, prepare file systems, copy over dCore files and install GRUB Legacy boot loader. This will install a stand-alone dCore system without the need for an installer or pre-existing Linux system:
**[[dcore:installation_from_ISO_without_boot_loader|> dCore Install from ISO to Hard Drive Without Pre-Existing Boot Loader]]**
===== dCore Swap =====
Important dCore swap information:
**[[dcore:swap_partition_or_file|> dCore Swap]]**
===== dCore Desktop Quicky =====
Quickly and easily upgrade a console-based installation to a graphic desktop (FLWM and wbar like Tiny Core):
**[[dcore:desktop-quicky|> dCore Desktop Quicky]]**
===== dCore Updates (kernel and initrd) =====
How to keep your dCore system up to date:
**[[dcore:upgrading kernel and initrd|> dCore Updates (kernel and initrd)]]**
===== dCore Localisation =====
=== Locale ===
**[[dcore:locales-all in dCore|> Locales in Debian-based dCore]]**
**[[dcore:locale in ub-dCore|> Locales in Ubuntu-based dCore]]**
=== Keyboard Layout ===
**[[dcore:keyboard_layout in X-desktop|> Layout-switching in a X-desktop]]**
**[[dcore:keyboard_layout in console|> Layout-switching in console]]**
**[[dcore:keyboard_layout in console#keyboard layout - tinycore way|> Changing Keyboard Layout (TinyCore Way)]]**
Helpful links:
* Check out the [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/board,29.0.html|International Talk]] Tiny Core sub-forum!
* [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,17116.msg104925.html#msg104925|Debian Jessie dCore (time zone)]].
* [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,16203.0.html|base-locale works also on dCore]].
* [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,17863.msg107665.html#msg107665|dcore-101 (locale-all)]].
* [[http://askubuntu.com/questions/435954/what-is-the-equivalent-of-locales-all-from-debian|AskUbuntu: What is the equivalent of locales-all from Debian?]].
* [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,17442.msg106615.html#msg106615|Remastering dCore (loadkmap or how to change the keyboard layout for the console)]]. Note dCore now uses ''sce-import'' and ''sce-load'', not importsce and loadsce.
**[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**
===== dCore Hardware Installation Notes =====
dCore installation notes on various hardware:
=== 2000 - 2005 ===
Generation Intel Pentium 4, Celeron, Pentium M
== Tablet PCs ==
*[[dcore:HP-Compaq TC1000|HP Compaq TC1000]]
*[[dcore:Fujitsu-Siemens T4010D|Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook T4010D]]
*[[dCore:Motion M1400|Motion M1400]]
=== 2005 - 2010 ===
Generation Intel Core, Atom etc.
== Tablet PCs ==
*[[dCore:Motion LE1700|Motion LE1700]]
*[[dCore:Lenovo X200T|Lenovo X200T]]
== Netbooks ==
Intel Atom processor-based devices:
*[[dcore:Acer Aspire One ZG5|Acer Aspire One ZG5]]
=== 2010 - Present ===
Generation Intel i{3,5,7}
**[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|> Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]**